AFSCME Local 2746-5 Members Address City Commission on Wage and Staffing Crisis

During last night's City of Warrenton City Commissioners meeting, members of our AFSCME Local 2746-5 packed the room to address the Commission publicly about the struggles that City employees are facing. We conducted a recent union survey that confirmed our members are having a difficult time providing for their families, paying basic medical bills, and are having to take second or third jobs to make ends meet in our community. All employees surveyed indicated they were actively looking for new employment. We believe this is a crisis that the City should act on immediately.

When we agreed to a three-year contract with modest Cost of Living increases, we did not anticipate the challenging economy or shockingly high inflation we are currently experiencing. We approached the City with some reasonable solutions to support City employees until contract bargaining begins next year, but city leaders refused our proposals and did not offer other solutions to retain and recruit the staff they desperately need.

Bargaining Unit Chair Robert Burke spoke last night and expressed, "When I was growing up, government jobs were the most coveted and sought-after employees urgently need your help to continue fulfilling our mission statement of 'making a difference through excellence of service'." Additionally, Dave Davis and Caben Marshall spoke to the Commission about their concerns.

We are proud of our members for displaying their strength through solidarity, and we will continue to organize and mobilize around these critical issues. Stay tuned for more updates.