When: Thursday, Jul 30, 2020, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

This webinar will guide AFSCME leaders through the tools needed to continue the vital work of your local union, and even increase member involvement in your local union during these uncertain times. Participants will learn the constitutional requirements for holding union meetings virtually, how to utilize a video conference platform, the best practices for virtually making and voting on motions, ensuring your meeting is secure, and more. 

Register Today!

We are pleased to offer a series of free webinars to AFSCME members that will support your leadership development, strengthen your union-building skills, offer you innovative strategies to increase union activism during these unprecedented times.

If you are not an AFSCME member, join today.

When you click "Register," there is a two-part process to complete registration for the classes:

  1. Verify your membership number, and
  2. Register for the class

If you don't know your membership number, there is a process built in to help.